STEP 2: Registrations

But first, the legal requirements!


Make sure your registration with HPCSA as an independent medical practitioner is up to date.


Register with BHF (Board of Healthcare Funders) for a PCNS (Practice Code Number System) number. This will essentially be your practice number. You will need to make a small annual payment to BHF for your registration with them for as long as you continue to practice with your practice number. The application forms and instructions can be found by following the link above. If you plan to utilise the services of a practice management bureau to manage your practice then you can easily ask them to assist you from this step already.

Every practising doctor needs to do so under a practice number. If you are working as a locum, at a hospital, or even joining another practice, then you are using the practice number of the facility where you are working. Therefore, if you wish to practice independently then you need to register with BHF and get your own practice number.


Consider registering your practice as a legal entity (i.e., a business). Your business model will greatly impact your practice taxes, among other things. You can either register directly at the CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission), or you can ask a ‘middle-man’ to assist with the registration process. If you do not have experience with business terminology and specific legal requirements, it is advisable that you first consult with a professional in this regard as the business registration of your practice could have massive tax and other ramifications. For this reason, you might want to ask your practice management bureau or accounting firm to assist you, whichever you will be using in the management of your practice.

It is also advised that you first read the HPCSA’s Policy Document on Business Practices so you can make informed decisions when registering your practice as a legal entity.

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