CMSA Accreditations:
Dip Obst(SA) Dip Obst(SA)
Dip Int Med(SA) Dip Int Med(SA)
Rural Allowance: No
Doctors Quarters:
- No comments yet.
- Department specific. consultants in all departments available but as a Community service medical officer you are left alone.
- Department dependent. In general academics not a priority
- You are expected to function as an MO in community service.
Clinical Exposure:
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Departments worked in:
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology - “”“Cutting time++
No actual teaching in theatre- you are left to sink or swim. “”” - Internal Medicine, Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology - "Obs and gynae- expected to function as an MO. You get cutting time (unsupervised)
As a community service MO you get to rotate in ICU "
Social Scene:
- It was not too far out of Johannesburg and the commute isn’t terrible.
Additional Comments:
- Nice regional hospital. Not too far out of Johannesburg. Has same issues as most government hospitals but functions slightly better than the bigger hospitals.
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