Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support for Experienced Providers (ACLS-EP)
The goal of the ACLS-EP Course is to improve outcomes in complex cardiovascular, respiratory and other (e.g. metabolic, toxicologic) emergencies by expanding on core ACLS guidelines and encouraging critical thinking and decision-making strategies. Through instruction and active participation in case-based scenarios, learners enhance their skills in the differential diagnosis and treatment of pre-arrest, arrest and post-arrest patients.
Price: R4730
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This course is for seasoned healthcare providers who are proficient in performing BLS and
ACLS skills, reading and interpreting ECGs, and understanding ACLS pharmacology and who regularly lead or participate in the emergency assessment and treatment of pre-arrest, arrest or post-arrest patients.
Requirement: Minimum of completion of the ACLS course at least twice in professional career
Course Content
• Applying the expanded systematic approach (ACLS-EP Survey) to patient assessment,
evaluation and management.
• Cardiovascular Emergencies.
• Cerebrovascular Emergencies.
• Respiratory and Metabolic Emergencies.
• Post Cardiac Arrest Care.
• Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Emergencies.
• High-Quality CPR.
• Effective communication within a resuscitation team and recognition of the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance.
• Uses case-based scenarios to move beyond the algorithms and show learners how to apply critical thinking quickly to reach a differential diagnosis and effectively manage and treat ACLS patients.
• Includes more of the cases and information learners have requested, including pharmacology, toxicology, respiratory and metabolic cases.
• For successful course completion, learners must actively participate in all case-based scenarios and must meet all current ACLS course completion requirements.
• Pass the ACLS Provider exam with a score of 84% or higher.
• Upon successful completion, learners receive an ACLS EP course completion card that is valid for 2 years.
Student Materials:
ACLS EP Manual and Resource Text (e-book only).
CEU: 30 (including 2 ethics points)
Course Duration: 2 Days